Art, illustration / arte, illustrazione * Janice Sung

a cura di Nicoletta Lolli

Tropical Bitties

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Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset

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Hello! I’m Janice, an independent illustrator and designer based in Toronto.
My passion is to produce beautiful imagery inspired by fashion, beauty, and nature. I love incorporating organic forms like foliage and flowers with inorganic geometric forms to create an interesting visual contrast. I use these elements to complement the main subjects of the painting, which are often stylish and beautiful women, creating an overall feel of sultriness and sophistication.

I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with some amazing clients, designing and illustrating for fashion magazines, luxury brands, media influencers, music covers and more. I hope to one day open my own studio and create a personal brand.

Fun fact, I love tropical plants, mangoes, Taiwanese fried chicken, and most of all, taking pictures of my baby doggo!

source: Janice SUng’s website

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