Lissy Elle

“Lissy lived in a small town in Canada, between a cornfield and a tall forest, and frequently played pretend in between them. She moved to big and scary New York City at the age of 18 where she may not have a cornfield or a forest, but she still makes due in her imaginings.

Lissy’s interest in photography started when she was just thirteen years old, and a friend of hers decided to tell her about this – then impossible sounding – project called “365”, where she was expected to take a photo to represent every day of that year. So she took her first whirl at it, and although she failed spectacularly after about five months, from that failure bloomed a love that would take up most of her time for years to come

She documents her journeys via her camera so that others may re-experience a part of their childhood that they thought they’d lost forever. She has a large online presence of over 100,000 followers. Her photos have appeared in fashion, photography, and literary magazines, on book and CD covers, in stores, and have inspired a music video. They have also been exhibited internationally.”.  ( source: )


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